Beaver Brook Crossing

Thanks! Your Tour Is Scheduled

Your Tour is Booked!

We can’t wait to show you around. Please notify us if you need to adjust your appointment. Thank you for contacting Beaver Brook Crossing, we look forward to meeting you.
Beaver Brook Crossing Logo

Parking Instructions

  • Persons scheduled for a tour may temporarily park in the parking lot of Beaver Brook Crossing in front of building 2 directly in front of the main entrance to the Community.

COVID-19 Regulations

  • Only 2 persons may be present at the appointment in addition to a staff member.
  • All persons should wait in their vehicle and Call the office 978-634-5171 upon arrival.
  • All persons must wear their own face masks that completely cover both mouth and nose for the duration of the tour and are asked to please use hand sanitizer before leaving their vehicle.
  • All persons must adhere to a maximum 30-minute tour duration schedule.
  • No person is allowed to touch any surface on the Property including doorknobs and cabinets. A staff member will assist with any display or open any feature that is requested to be viewed.
  • No bathrooms will be available for use by persons touring the property.
  • Practice social distancing as often as is possible. Please avoid handshakes and hugs.
  • Persons who have traveled out of state recently or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms are asked to reschedule an appointment after the latter of either: a period of 2 weeks or when they are no longer experiencing symptoms unless they receive a negative test result in the interim.
  • Persons that have had any “close contact” with an individual who has recently traveled out of state, has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or is awaiting test results are asked to reschedule an appointment after a period of 2 weeks or when said close contact receives a negative test result.

Next Step?

Submit a rental application to get the process started. Don’t worry about a final floor plan selection, you can tour multiple units when you get here.

Apply Now